Join the Knights of Columbus

“[He]brought the faith beyond the walls of the church into the community… Father McGivney also manifested from the very start a great love for the poor, for the widow, for the orphan… “

Archbishop William E. Lori

Unity, Charity, Fraternity, Patriotism

  • Charity

    The Knights support a wide range of projects and consider charity to be at the center of their work and faith. 

  • Unity

    New Knights start as First Degree Knights, exemplifying charity. Second Degree Knights exemplify unity. 

  • Fraternity

    Third Degree Knights exemplify fraternity. 

  • Patriotism

    The Knights promote the patriotic spirit of the civic community, educate members about the history of the nation, and promote citizenship. They also oppose the spread of doctrines that are dangerous to the government and the divine law of faith and morality. 

Be sure to enter our council number, 14834, as your preferred council

Or Scan the QR code!!

From “In Service to One, In Service to All” By Rev. Peter John Cameron